Release of 2019 Singapore Cambridge GCE Advanced Level Examination Results on 21 Feb 2020
1. The results of the 2019 Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A-Level) examination will be released next Friday, 21 February 2020. School candidates may collect their results from their respective schools from 2.30pm that same day.
2. In line with current precautionary measures to protect students and staff in school against COVID-19, candidates who are collecting their results in person must declare their travel history and take their temperature before they arrive in school. They will also collect their results in smaller groups in classrooms, instead of congregating in the school halls. Only candidates collecting their results will be allowed entry into the school premises.
3. School candidates who are not well, on Quarantine Order (QO) or Leave of Absence (LOA) as of Friday, 21 February 2020, or who are affected by travel restrictions to Singapore, should not report to their schools. Instead, these school candidates may view their results online.
4. Private candidates will be notified of their results by post. The result slips and certificates will be mailed to the postal address provided by the candidates during the registration period.
Viewing of Examination Results Online
5. In view of the COVID-19 situation, all school and private candidates will be able to view their results online via the results release system using SingPass or system-generated passwords. Candidates who are eligible for SingPass1, but have not activated it, will receive a SingPass PIN mailer by Wednesday, 19 February 2020. The Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) will provide each candidate who is not eligible for SingPass with login details via email, also by Wednesday, 19 February 2020.
6. Results can be accessed via the results release system on SEAB’s website ( from 3pm on Friday, 21 February 2020.
Digital Certificates and Applications to Autonomous Universities
7. Starting this year, all A-Level candidates who are Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents will receive digital certificates in OpenCerts format. These certificates will be available via the MySkillsFuture Skills Passport at from Monday, 24 February 2020. Candidates with SingPass can access and submit their digital certificates electronically to the universities they are applying to. School candidates who are international students and unable to access the portal may email SEAB at to request for a copy of their digital certificates.
8. Applications for admissions and/or scholarships to the Autonomous Universities (AUs) can be done online. All school candidates who apply to the AUs online do not need to submit a copy of their A-Level certificates. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the AUs will make alternative arrangements for any assessment for admissions, if applicants cannot be physically present.
Education and Career Guidance (ECG)
9. Students who need guidance on their education options can approach their teachers or the ECG Counsellors supporting their schools. Students can also refer to the interactive MySkillsFuture portal at to find out more about the education options, career pathways and courses that are suited to their strengths, interests and abilities.
10. Alternatively, students can contact the MOE ECG Centre @ Grange Road from 14 to 28 February 2020 for ECG counselling via email: or phone: 6831 1420.
1 Candidates can visit the SingPass website at to find out if they are eligible for SingPass and to activate their SingPass Two-Factor Authentication if they have not done so.